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Power Punch Die
July 22, 2024
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Key Indicators That It's Time to Replace Your Punch Die

Power Punching Machines are a cornerstone in document processing, renowned for their efficiency and longevity. Yet even the sturdiest punch die will eventually wear out after extensive use. Recognizing the signs of a worn-out die is crucial to avoid disruptions, especially when facing large projects with tight deadlines.
Unlock the Versatility of Plastic Coil Binding: Sizes, Colors, and Pitch Options
July 8, 2024
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Unlock the Versatility of Plastic Coil Binding: Sizes, Colors, and Pitch Options

Plastic coil binding, a steadfast favorite for over half a century, continues to grow in popularity due to its durability and versatility. What’s more, it's not only available in a plethora of sizes and colors but also boasts environmentally friendly options made from 95% post-commercial waste.
What is Tape or Strip Binding
April 29, 2024
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What is Tape or Strip Binding

The Tape/Strip Binding Method was created by Powis Inc, an American Company under the branded name “Fastback”. Powis has been around for 30+ years and the Fastback binding method has gained its popularity because it gives clients a look and feel of a perfect bound book, without the messy, sticky and often stinky glue

Best Thermal Binding Machines for Small Offices
April 1, 2024
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Best Thermal Binding Machines for Small Offices

Thermal binding, also known as glue binding, is a method that uses pre-made booklet covers to bind documents. There are a few brand names in the Industry like Unibind and Coverbind, but the generic term is Thermal Bindings. There are three main machines for Thermal Binding that will work well in a small to medium office setting:

Tape Binding vs Perfect Binding - 2023
November 13, 2023
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Tape Binding vs Perfect Binding - 2023

Have you ever gotten confused between Tape and Perfect Binding? This article will help you determine which of these two binding methods is the right choice for your application.

The 10 Best Perfect Binding Machine
October 16, 2023
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The 10 Best Perfect Binding Machine


First developed in the 1920s, perfect binding is just about the most popular binding method for softcover books, including paperbacks, some magazines (like National Geographic), owner manuals, catalogues and photobooks. They’re also popular for binding hardcover books and making custom tear-off writing pads too.

A standard piece of equipment in most professional print and bindery shops, today’s perfect binding machines make it possible for in-house and on-demand printers to take advantage of the benefits of perfect binding too. These include its relatively low-cost, ease of operation, high-capacity and uncomplicated binding process that minimizes problems.

Southwest Business Products offers a full range of perfect binding machines suitable for businesses who want the convenience and versatility of perfect binding at their finger tips, and professional print shops who need to offer their customers state-of-the-art features, capacity and speed.

Without further ado, here’s a quick look at the perfect binding machines you can find at Southwest Business.

The Basics of Fastback Binding
January 9, 2023
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The Basics of Fastback Binding

The Basics of Fastback Binding There are many binding choices on the market today, and all of them have their strengths depending upon your needs. Fastback is one of the more unique products available today and has some definite advantages over traditional punch and bind methods such as plastic combs, coils, wire and so on. Here are five of the greatest advantages...
Why your Small Business Should have a Binding Machine
September 26, 2022
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Why your Small Business Should have a Binding Machine

  For many small businesses that are just starting out, every expense is a major one, and if you can find a way to get things done more cheaply, you would be more than happy to do it yourself. Having your own binding machine can help you brand yourself and create documents that are every bit as impressive as those...
Ring Binder FAQs
July 25, 2022
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Ring Binder FAQs

When it comes to three ring binders most people think the choices are straight forward. However, there is a lot more to choosing a three-ring binder than just thinking about price. In fact, it is important to understand several different factors when choosing a ring binder. This article is designed to identify the major things to look for when choosing a ring...
The Basics of Binding a Book with Plastic Coil Binding
July 4, 2022
14 view(s)

The Basics of Binding a Book with Plastic Coil Binding

Not every coil binding machine is the same, but this should help you with the basic steps and go over some common features found in coil binding machines. Plastic Coil Binding Machines are available with and without an electric inserter. Having an inserter speeds up the binding process by quite a bit, though coil is great because it can be bound by...
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